Baby Bottle Tooth Decay—How to Prevent It (Fact Sheet) (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

Circumcision: Information for Parents (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

HEARING—Newborn Hearing Screening and Your Baby (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

How Do Infants Learn (PDF)

JAUNDICE—Treating Jaundice in Healthy Newborns (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

NUTRITION —Starting Solid Foods (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

Parenting Your Infant (PDF)

PREMATURE INFANTS-Early Arrival: Information for Parents of Premature Infants (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME -Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

SLEEP-Infant Sleep Positioning and SIDS (Fact Sheet) (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

SUN EXPOSURE-Fun in the Sun: Keep Your Baby Safe (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

UNCIRCUMCISED PENIS-Care of the Uncircumcised Penis (Fact Sheet) (PDF) (English) (Spanish)

Welcome to the World of Parenting (PDF)


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