Article at a Glance
• People are more likely to get cancer from obesity and lack of exercise then they are through exposure to cellphones and chemicals.
• Most people are not exposed to carcinogens at a level that will cause cancer.
• Instead of living in fear, decide to make reasonable efforts to avoid carcinogens, focus on how to live a healthier lifestyle, and then live your life.

While reports about potential cancer risks like coffee, cellphones, and engine exhaust might make the evening news, the chance that they will actually give you cancer is pretty low. According to experts, most people are more likely to get cancer from obesity and lack of exercise.

There are currently several agencies responsible for determining whether or not something is a carcinogen (an agent that can cause cancer). When we hear on the news that something might cause cancer, it generally stems from reports made by one or more of these agencies.

These agencies have a responsibility to report any reasonable evidence that something might cause cancer. But that doesn’t mean that anybody who is exposed to a carcinogen or possible carcinogen is at risk. The risk of cancer is determined not only by the toxicity of the substance, but also by how much exposure has occurred.

What these agencies don’t determine or report on is how much exposure is needed for there to be a potential risk. According to Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, the American Cancer Society’s deputy chief medical officer, most people are not exposed to carcinogens at levels that will cause cancer.

And even though the risks may often be minuscule, it is understandable why the discovery of additional carcinogens continues to make big news. It is in our natures to be more afraid and upset by risks that are imposed on us rather than risks we voluntarily accept.

But Lichtenfeld points out that we can’t live our lives in fear. Instead, identify what you can do to avoid exposure to potentially harmful things and then live your life. We are much better off focusing on the things we can change, like our diets and exercise habits, rather than living in fear of the things we can’t.


For More Information:

Weighing Cancer Risks: Just How Dangerous Are Cell Phones, Styrene And Formaldehyde? (

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