Because of vaccines, we rarely see the vaccine preventable deaths we used to see. We strongly encourage all children to be immunized. Immunizations are given to children starting at birth and continue through the teen years. Our immunization rates are consistently above the CDC national average and Utah state average.

Childhood Immunization Rates
Childhood Immunizations

The above graph reflects the percentage of children who have received the following immunizations by their second birthday:

    • 4 diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertusis (DTaP)
    • 3 polio (IPV)
    • 1 measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
    • 3 H influenza B (Hib)
    • 3 Hepatitis B
    • 1 Hepatitis A*
    • 4 Pneumoccocal (PCV)*
    • 1 Varicella/chicken pox (VZV)

*Not included in the national or Utah measure

CDC and Utah averages are based on quarterly audits. Utah Valley Pediatrics’ average is based on our data for children who turned two years old in the above named quarters who have a primary care pediatrician in our group.


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