Do this one thing for a smarter child
Do this one thing for a smarter child
  • Reading from infancy offers benefits that toys and games do not.
  • Parents should read aloud to their children every day.
  • Choose books that are age appropriate, we provide a list to help you get started.
How much emphasis should I put on grades?
How much emphasis should I put on grades?
  • Grades are not a perfect measure of intelligence or effort.
  • A reward system with frequent, positive reinforcement is more effective than a cash reward at the end of the term.
  • Keep your child’s learning style, special needs, and schedule in mind when you decide how to handle poor grades.
Social Media Bootcamp
Social Media Bootcamp
  • For most social media accounts, children should be 13 or older and be mature enough to make good choices online.
  • Commit to being proactive about your child’s use of social media.
  • Talk to your children about what is appropriate on social media and how to stay safe.
Helping your child deal with death, loss, and grief
Helping your child deal with death, loss, and grief
  • How your children grieve depends on their developmental stage and will change as they mature.
  • Don’t avoid conversations about death, but answer your children’s questions simply and honestly.
  • Allow your children to express their emotions and help them feel safe.
Teaching parents how to cope with a child’s anxiety
Teaching parents how to cope with a child’s anxiety
  • Effectively managing your own emotions will make it easier to respond to your child's anxiety.
  • Things like coping skills, mindfulness, support systems, and planning ahead can take a lot of the stress out of your life.
  • Remember not to take your child's behavior or anxiety personally.
One Important Thing to Look for in a Pediatrician
One Important Thing to Look for in a Pediatrician
  • Report shows learning about child development and health has a measurable effect on outcomes.
  • Pediatricians are children's health experts that want to educate parents.
  • Well-child visits are an opportunity for parents to get information and strategies they'll soon need.
Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause behavioral problems
Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause behavioral problems

Article at a Glance

  • Exposure to secondhand smoke made it 50 percent more likely that children would develop neurobehavioral disorders like ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, and behavior disorders.
  • Children’s bodies develop rapidly, putting them at a higher risk for adverse side effects.
  • Parents are in an excellent position to help protect their children from secondhand smoke.
The most effective discipline strategies for toddlers
The most effective discipline strategies for toddlers

Article at a Glance There is no one perfect discipline method for all kids. Easier-to-manage toddlers show improved behavior when offered choices, compromise, and reasoning. Harder-to-manage toddlers show improved behavior when choices and reasoning are balanced with timeouts and lost privileges for non-compliance. Just like clothing, when it comes to disciplining your toddler, “one-size-fits-all” is … Continue reading “The most effective discipline strategies for toddlers”

Building a good relationship with your pediatrician
Building a good relationship with your pediatrician

Article at a Glance

  • Find a pediatrician who is a good fit with your family and who shares similar views on health issues.
  • Staying on top of well-child visits helps your pediatrician monitor your child’s growth and development, keep your child up-to-date on immunizations, and provide advice on any issues.
  • To get the most out of your visits, be sure to eliminate distractions, be familiar with your insurance plan, and arrive on time.
Blood Tests: How to prepare your child
Blood Tests: How to prepare your child

Article at a Glance

  • Be honest with your child, but don’t dwell on the negative.
  • Find a time to talk to your child when you can give your undivided attention and there is plenty of time to answer questions.
  • Staying calm yourself will help you focus on your child’s needs.

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