Immunizations have saved millions of lives and prevented hundreds of millions of cases of disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The best way to protect our children and the community from disease is by choosing to immunize.
Immunizations are a safe and effective way to prevent illness by strengthening the immune system. They help the body recognize and attack viruses and bacteria that cause disease. While some of the diseases we vaccinate against are now rare in the United States, others are still fairly common. In addition, diseases that are rare here may still be common problems in other countries.
If you choose not to immunize your child, he or she has the potential to be exposed to disease and spread it to others who are not immune. If there are a significant number of unprotected people in the community, the sickness could become an epidemic with serious consequences. Vaccines are a way to help end serious diseases and protect the future of our children.
To find out if your child is up-to-date, visit our immunization schedule. You can also read more about different vaccines from our educational handouts.
In Utah, kindergarteners and 7th graders have to be up to date on their immunizations before they can start school. Learn More >