Nurturing a healthy body image
Nurturing a healthy body image

Article at a Glance

  • Having a healthy body image means you feel comfortable in your own skin and don’t fixate on your imperfections.
  • When people suffer from a negative body image, it can put them at risk for things like depression, low self-esteem, and eating disorders.
  • By being a good example, teaching our children how to be media savvy, and focusing on their strengths, we can help them develop a healthy body image.
Does my child have a technology addiction?
Does my child have a technology addiction?

Article at a Glance

  • The average American child spends 7 hours a day in front of the TV, computer, phone, tablet, and other electronic devices.
  • Parents should be concerned if their child’s technology habit is having negative social, emotional, or educational consequences.
  • Establish "no screen" zones and times in your home.
Learning how to drive starts now
Learning how to drive starts now

Article at a Glance

  • At a very young age children are already learning driving habits from their parents’ examples.
  • Learning how to drive well is important—motor vehicle fatalities are the leading cause of death for 15 to 20 year olds.
  • Set a good example when driving and take time to teach your children about traffic laws.
Sleeping with a smartphone can disrupt your child’s sleep
Sleeping with a smartphone can disrupt your child’s sleep

Article at a Glance

  • Children who sleep with a smartphone or tablet in their room get less sleep and report feeling less well-rested than those who don’t.
  • Having a TV in the bedroom also contributed to less sleep, but had less effect than a small screen device.
  • Sleep plays an important role in a child’s mental and physical development.
Study shows that cool kids struggle later
Study shows that cool kids struggle later

Article at a Glance

  • Teens in their early adolescence who are hyper-focused on being cool are more likely to have problems with substance abuse, criminal behavior, and managing social relationships.
  • Parents need to help support age-appropriate activities and not worry if their child isn’t popular.
  • In early adolescence, behaviors that once made teens appear cool and mature to their peers actually stunts their social and emotional growth.
Is My Teen Using Drugs or Alcohol?
Is My Teen Using Drugs or Alcohol?

Article at a Glance

  • You can tell normal teen behavior from signs of substance abuse by looking for larger patterns and supporting evidence.
  • Many of the signs aren’t a sure sign of substance abuse, but they are behaviors that parents should monitor closely.
  • If you think your child is using drugs, educate yourself and look for additional help.
Dieting at a Young Age Can Lead to Obesity, Alcohol Abuse, and Eating Disorders
Dieting at a Young Age Can Lead to Obesity, Alcohol Abuse, and Eating Disorders

Article at a Glance

  • The younger a girl starts to diet, the more likely she is to have an eating disorder, to be obese or overweight, or to have problems with alcohol abuse.
  • Parents should avoid using diets as a way to help their children manage their weight.
  • Parents should instead focus on helping their daughters foster a positive body image and teaching them how to make healthy choices.
Back-to-School Checklist
Back-to-School Checklist

Article at a Glance

  • Make sure your child is up-to-date on immunizations.
  • Notify your school of any special medical needs.
  • Plan ahead for healthy lunches.
  • Set a schedule that allows for a healthy amount of sleep, nutritious meals, and time for homework and play.
Teaching Your Children How to Manage Stress
Teaching Your Children How to Manage Stress

Article at a Glance

  • Stress is normal part of life, but too much stress can be unhealthy.
  • It is important to teach our children how to cope with stress in healthy ways.
  • Ways to help our children include proper sleep and nutrition, physical activity, predictable schedules, being a good example, and being there when they need us.
Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s
Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s

Article at a Glance Study shows that overall violence in movies has doubled since 1950, and gun violence has tripled since 1985. Movies that were given an R-rating in the 80’s would probably now only receive a PG-13 rating. Parents are encouraged to do their homework on a movie or video game before their kids … Continue reading “Study: PG-13 Movies Today Have More Violence than R-Rated Movies in the 80’s”

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