Changes to Car Seat Laws

Utah’s laws regarding child car seat laws have recently changed. After May 5th, 2008, any child who is under eight years old is required to use a car seat or booster seat. Once children reach age eight or are 4’9,” they are allowed to use a seat belt. Booster seats are relatively easy to use—you … Continue reading “Changes to Car Seat Laws”

Allergy Advice Changed for Infants
Allergy Advice Changed for Infants

New research may change the advice given to mothers regarding infants and food allergies. In August 2000, the AAP stated mothers should avoid certain foods like cow’s milk, eggs, and nuts while breast-feeding. It also released a schedule for introducing these foods into a child’s diet. However, the January 2008 issue of the journal, Pediatrics, … Continue reading “Allergy Advice Changed for Infants”

Autism and Immunizations

The Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program recently gave compensation to a child with mitochondrial disease. This led to people questioning whether vaccines or other environmental factors would bring on or worsen autism-like symptoms in children. The media has not accurately represented this case. It was a unique and isolated event which does not change the … Continue reading “Autism and Immunizations”

Influenza Vaccine Alert

Utah Valley Pediatrics has seen many flu cases in recent weeks. Influenza is spreading throughout the United States and many cases are caused by a strain of the disease that is not directly covered by this year’s flu vaccine. During the last two years flu mortality in adults has been higher than in the past … Continue reading “Influenza Vaccine Alert”

Thimerosal Not Linked With Autism

Using data reported to the California Department of Development Services from 1995 to 2007, researchers from the California Department of Health compared the prevalence of autism with exposure to Thimerosal. Their results were published this week in the Archives of General Psychiatry (Jan. 2008). The data showed that the prevalence of autism for children at … Continue reading “Thimerosal Not Linked With Autism”

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