On the news you may have heard about the 800,000 H1N1 vaccines that were recalled because they had lost some of their potency. The good news is that the vaccines are still perfectly safe. Sanofi Pasteur, the manufacturer of the recalled vaccine, conducts routine stability testing to make sure vaccines don’t lose their potency over … Continue reading “Recent H1N1 Vaccine Recall is Nothing to Fear”
With the cold and flu season upon us we know you probably have plenty of questions, especially about the H1N1 (swine flu) virus. To help with some of the confusion we put together some answers to the most common questions. Why is it so hard to get my child vaccinated for H1N1? The CDC has … Continue reading “Answers to Your Questions About H1N1 and the Flu”
An article on how to keep a toddler active might seem kind of ridiculous. How do you keep a toddler from not being active? But as your child slips from your arms yet again while you try to put his shoes on, it is nice to have a reminder that all the wiggling is doing … Continue reading “Keep Your Toddler Moving”
Developing a positive relationship with your child’s teacher can go a long way in helping your child during the school year. According to former PTA national president Jan Harp Domene, “I’d never allow a stranger to educate my child.” Parents who work with their child’s teachers: Know more about their child and are able to … Continue reading “Do You Know Your Child’s Teacher?”
Your children just started school again and you may be wondering how to help them with their back-to-school jitters. Here is a quick refresher course on dealing with new friends, new teachers, and new challenges. Give Children Time to Adjust Don’t be too concerned if your child is worried about starting school. It is normal … Continue reading “Back to School 101”
Parents have a tough job. Not only do they have to keep up on their own health, but also the health of each of their children. This can be down right daunting if you have multiple children on multiple prescriptions for multiple problems. But for a prescription to do its job, it has to be … Continue reading “Prescriptions – Keeping them straight and making them work for your children”
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a serious bacterial infection that can cause bacterial meningitis and pneumonia, along with several other life threatening diseases. Before the Hib vaccine was created, about 20,000 children under the age of five contracted Hib and close to 1,000 people died each year. In 2007, due to shortages in the … Continue reading “Your Child May Need a Hib Booster Vaccine – Check With Your Doctor”
Health experts have long been concerned about childhood obesity, but the latest research shows there may be an even greater cause to worry. According to researchers from the Nemours Children’s Clinic, “the unhealthy consequences of excess body fat start very early in childhood.” The study found that obesity can cause blood abnormalities that make children … Continue reading “Research Shows Overweight Children at Risk for Heart Disease”
Nobody wants to hear that their child is getting bullied, but then nobody wants to hear that their child is the bully either. But if you hear or suspect that your child is bullying another child, whether physically or verbally, it is important to deal with the problem right away before it escalates. Bullying not … Continue reading “What to Do When Your Child is the Bully”
Most parents know to keep an eye out for eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia, but few have heard of another common eating disorder — binge eating. People with the disorder have frequent episodes of eating abnormally large amounts of food. They feel unable to control what and how much they are eating. The disorder … Continue reading “Have You Ever Heard of Binge Eating Disorder?”