Medications are the Leading Cause of Accidental Child Poisoning Deaths
Medications are the Leading Cause of Accidental Child Poisoning Deaths

Article at a Glance Each day 165 children go to the ER to be treated for accidental medication drug poisoning. Overdoses could be easily prevented by being more careful with how we store and administer medication. Make sure to keep medications out of sight and out of reach of children. Although the child poisoning death … Continue reading “Medications are the Leading Cause of Accidental Child Poisoning Deaths”

Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose!
Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose!

Article at a Glance Some of the most common bad habits kids have are nail biting, nose picking, thumb sucking, teeth grinding, and hair twirling. Children generally outgrow these habits, and you don’t need to worry about them unless they are negatively impacting your child’s life. Be patient—each child is different, so you may need … Continue reading “Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose!”

Healthy Easter Basket Ideas
Healthy Easter Basket Ideas

Looking for ways to make Easter a little healthier this year? Not a bad idea. You would be surprised how fast all those jelly beans and chocolate bunnies add up. According to the National Confectioners Association, Easter is the second top-selling confectionery holiday in the United States. And every day five million marshmallow bunnies and … Continue reading “Healthy Easter Basket Ideas”

Too Sick For School?
Too Sick For School?

Article at a Glance If your child has diarrhea, a fever, a rash, pink eye, or the stomach flu, you should keep him or her home. The first question you should ask yourself is if your child’s symptoms will prevent your child from participating in school activities. If your child is just experiencing mild cold … Continue reading “Too Sick For School?”

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