We’re Opening a New Office in Vineyard
We’re Opening a New Office in Vineyard

We’re excited to announce that our new office in Vineyard is almost ready to open. Besides being larger, the new office will have easier driving access, more parking, and new, ground-level construction. We’re excited to be in a location that’s conveniently located for many of our patients. Dr. Doug Later, and Dr. Richard Later, Kristi … Continue reading “We’re Opening a New Office in Vineyard”

Top 6 Most-Asked Newborn Questions
Top 6 Most-Asked Newborn Questions

Article at a Glance

  • Having a newborn brings joy and excitement along with questions.
  • Bonding, feeding, bathing, and caring for your baby are all things you may be wondering how to do.
  • Remember, we are just a phone call away. If you don't see your questions here, call us!
Can Active Video Games and ‘Exergames’ Replace Exercise?
Can Active Video Games and ‘Exergames’ Replace Exercise?

Article at a Glance

  • Active video games do not boost children’s overall activity levels.
  • Study follows 78 children for 12 weeks to find out if active video games increase physical activity.
  • Active video games do have some advantages, but studies suggest they are not an effective way for children to get their 60 minutes of physical activity a day.
Bonding With a Newborn Baby
Bonding With a Newborn Baby

Article at a Glance

  • Bonding is important for your baby’s cognitive and social development.
  • For some bonding is instantaneous, but for others it is a gradual experience.
  • Caring for your baby, spending time together, baby wearing, kangarooing, and breastfeeding are all excellent ways to bond with your baby.
A Guide to Parent School Involvement
A Guide to Parent School Involvement

Article at a Glance

  • Studies show involved parents have kids that are more likely to excel in school.
  • Involvement comes in many forms and opportunities are available for working parents.
  • By being strategic and proactive, working parents can get involved early.
6 Common Newborn Rashes
6 Common Newborn Rashes

Article at a Glance

  • Newborn rashes are common, and most don't require medical treatment.
  • Rashes, like eczema, have a genetic pre-disposition and can be treated with moisturizing cream. 
  • Environmental factors, such as heat and allergens, can also cause newborns to develop a rash.
Temper tantrums: A parent’s survival guide
Temper tantrums: A parent’s survival guide

Article at a glance:

  • Tantrums are a normal part of growing up as children start to assert their independence and learn how to express emotions.
  • Teach your child that anger is a common feeling and how to express it constructively.
  • Teach children that they can get your attention with good behavior instead of seeking negative attention.
7 Ways to Ease Cold and Flu Symptoms Without Medicine
7 Ways to Ease Cold and Flu Symptoms Without Medicine

Article at a Glance

  • Very few cold & flu medicines are suitable for young children. 
  • Parents always want to help but are sometimes at a loss on what to do. 
  • Ease their symptoms with seven simple suggestions.

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