What To Do If Your Baby Hates Tummy Time
What To Do If Your Baby Hates Tummy Time

Article at a Glance

  • Tummy time is an important part of your baby’s development and helps prepare your baby for things like crawling, sitting up, and walking.
  • Tummy time is hard work, but it will become more fun as your baby builds up the muscles and control needed.
  • Tummy time is more fun if you interact with your baby and try different positions to help your baby slowly build up strength.
TV May Be Causing Your Preschooler’s Sleep Problems
TV May Be Causing Your Preschooler’s Sleep Problems

Article at a Glance

  • When and how your kids watch TV and screens may be as important as how much they watch.
  • School age kids with access to screens at bedtime score lower on quality of life assessments.
  • Simple family routine hacks might help your entire family get more, and better, sleep.
Poison Ivy in Kids

Article at a Glance • Stay away from plants that have shiny leaves or leaves in a pattern of three. • If exposed, shower with lots of soap as soon as possible. • Rash from poison ivy can appear within a few hours or a few days and can last up to two weeks. • … Continue reading “Poison Ivy in Kids”

Building Toddler Vocabulary Through Gestures
Building Toddler Vocabulary Through Gestures

Article at a Glance

  • Children who enter kindergarten with a bigger vocabulary tend to do better throughout their entire school career.
  • In addition to reading and talking to your child, gesturing also helps build a child's vocabulary.
  • Gestures are an important precursor to talking and help toddlers form connections.
Child Bribes vs. Rewards
Child Bribes vs. Rewards

Article at a Glance

  • Bribes teach children that they will be rewarded for acting out.
  • Rewards provide a well thought through incentive for doing a good job.
  • Rewards should be used to develop positive habits instead of dependence on the reward.
Raising Bully-Proofed Kids
Raising Bully-Proofed Kids

Article at a Glance

  • Victims of bullying can suffer from health and mental health problems like headaches, sleeping problems, depression, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide.
  • Those who are most likely to be bullied include children with an autism spectrum disorder, a food allergy, or who are perceived as different or weaker than their peers.
  • Parents can help their children by teaching them how to avoid becoming a target, how to stick up for themselves and others, and how to develop a strong sense of self.
My Teen is Having Suicidal Thoughts – What Do I Do?
My Teen is Having Suicidal Thoughts – What Do I Do?

Article at a Glance

  • Suicide isn’t usually caused by a single factor, but many.
  • Abuse, life changes, and social pressure are all risk factors even for healthy kids.
  • Many signs of depression are easy to write off as moodiness.
Teen Suicide: Recognizing the Warning Signs
Teen Suicide: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Article at a Glance

  • Suicide isn’t usually caused by a single factor, but many.
  • Abuse, life changes, and social pressure are all risk factors even for healthy kids.
  • Many signs of depression are easy to write off as moodiness.
Teen Suicide: Risks and Realities
Teen Suicide: Risks and Realities

Article at a Glance

  • Suicide isn’t usually caused by a single factor, but many.
  • Abuse, life changes, and social pressure are all risk factors even for healthy kids.
  • Many signs of depression are easy to write off as moodiness.
Dealing with a Defiant Toddler
Dealing with a Defiant Toddler

Article at a glance:

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder is one of a group of externalizing disorders which include maladaptive behaviors.
  • It is normal for children to become oppositional at certain ages.
  • If you are struggling with a child who is aggressive, argumentative, or defiant, there are things you can do to improve the situation.

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