How can I talk to my kids about lying?
How can I talk to my kids about lying?
  • Strategies for dealing with lying should differ by age group
  • Books can be a great way to address honesty with children
  • Communication and honesty from parents is key
What should I do if my child bites?
What should I do if my child bites?
  • Biting is a common early childhood behavior that many parents dread
  • Isolating potential triggers for biting can be the quickest fix
  • Having a strategy to correct the behavior positively, and to reinforce better choices can shorten this phase
What should I do if my child has a dental injury?
What should I do if my child has a dental injury?
  • A chipped tooth is usually cause to see the dentist, but frequent tooth chipping merits a pediatrician visit.
  • Soft tissue injuries inside the mouth that bleed continuously need emergency medical attention.
  • Unexplained or general oral pain, swelling or bleeding should be seen by a pediatrician.
Spanish Fork Office Moving to 7th & 7th
Spanish Fork Office Moving to 7th & 7th

Effective January 27, 2018 our Spanish Fork Office will be located at 701 E 700 N in Spanish Fork. We’re excited about all our new facility has to offer: Allows us to expand to meet increasing demand. Features a layout better suited for patient and staff flow. Better meets your needs. Continues to include sick … Continue reading “Spanish Fork Office Moving to 7th & 7th”

How do I soothe my child’s eczema with at-home treatments?
How do I soothe my child’s eczema with at-home treatments?

Article at a Glance

  • Nearly one out of five children under the age of 2 are affected by eczema.
  • Utah winters are especially hard on children battling this condition.
  • Consult your physician before starting new treatments.
How can I get my kids to stop whining?
How can I get my kids to stop whining?

Article at a glance:

  • Whining happens, but it shouldn't be the norm for your child.
  • Understanding why children whine can help you respond appropriately.
  • Setting clear boundaries around appropriate speech helps children understand what to do.
Making Sure Your Child’s Toys are Safe
Making Sure Your Child’s Toys are Safe

Article at a Glance

  • Toys should serve child development—without putting them at risk.
  • Verify toys are appropriate for your child's age and abilities.
  • Supervised play is the best way to protect children from harm.
How can I get my kids to school on time?
How can I get my kids to school on time?

Article at a Glance

  • With a little planning, mornings can become a time of peace and relaxation.
  • Tackling the next day's tasks the night before to reduce stress in the morning.
  • Use the extra time to bond with your family and leave home with a positive mindset.
Age-Appropriate Toys
Age-Appropriate Toys

Article at a Glance

  • Parents today have access to the safest toys ever made.
  • Age recommendations do not guarantee that toys will match a child's needs or developmental level.
  • Parents must do their research to find toys appropriate for their children.
Would you let your child take on 40,000 dollars in debt?
Would you let your child take on 40,000 dollars in debt?

Article at a Glance

  • Teens have opportunities to make huge financial choices.
  • Financial lessons are easiest to teach when lessons are cheap.
  • Separating allowance from chores lets you focus on teaching financial literacy.

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