Article at a Glance The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you talk to your child about the dangers of drinking as early as 9 years old. Help your children understand the dangers of drinking and teach them “media literacy” techniques. Because teens and children are smaller than adults, it takes fewer drinks for them … Continue reading “Talk to your child about drinking as early as 9 years old”
Article at a glance: The percentage of babies who get an ear infection has dropped in the last 20 years. Doctors believe the decrease is due to the introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, flu vaccines, an increase in breastfeeding, and a decrease in smoking. According to a recent study, fewer babies are getting ear … Continue reading “Drop in ear infection rates attributed to vaccines, breastfeeding, and a reduction in smoking”
We are excited to announce that Dr. Joseph Hershkop joined our office in Saratoga Springs this May 2016. Dr. Joseph Hershkop, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician and father of two. He and his family recently relocated from Nevada, where Dr. Hershkop practiced for several years. Dr. Hershkop not only has extensive experience working in a … Continue reading “Joseph Hershkop joins our Saratoga Springs Office”
Article at a Glance Keep things as familiar as possible by sticking to a routine and incorporating familiar toys, experiences, and foods. Keep your expectations and itinerary realistic. Find out ahead of time what special accommodations may be available for your child at amusement parks, attractions, and the airport. At first, taking a family … Continue reading “10 travel tips for children with autism”
Article at a glance: Common signs of an earache or ear infection include tugging on the ears, fever, fussiness, or ear pain. Your pediatrician is in the best position to diagnose an ear infection. Prevent ear infections by keeping your children up to date on their immunizations, avoiding secondhand smoke, breastfeeding your baby, and practicing … Continue reading “Does my child have an ear infection?”
If you don’t need antibiotics, play it safe. Learn when antibiotics can do more harm than good. Antibiotics work great on bacterial infections – shortening illnesses and saving lives. But most colds, flu, coughs, sore throats, and earaches are caused by viral infections. If you have a viral infection, an antibiotic won’t help and the … Continue reading “When taking an antibiotic can do more harm than good”
This recipe is the perfect on-the-go breakfast. Make them ahead of time, refrigerate or freeze them, and then heat them in the microwave when you are ready to eat! Ingredients 1 – cooking spray 6 large – egg 1/4 cup – milk 1/8 teaspoon – salt 1/8 teaspoon – black pepper, ground 1 medium – … Continue reading “On-the-Go Breakfast Egg Cups Recipe”
Article at a Glance Be aware of the signs of child abuse and be ready to take a stand. If you feel overwhelmed with parenting, talk to your pediatrician about available resources. Carefully screen and get to know the people who interact with your children. Educate your child on how to respond to and report … Continue reading “Child abuse – reducing the risk”
Article at a Glance Signs of child abuse include unexplained injuries, depression, anxiety, disinterest, and developmental regression. If you think that a child is being abused, contact the police or local child protective agency right away. If a child discloses abuse, let the child know that you are listening and that you believe him or … Continue reading “Would you recognize child abuse?”
Article at a Glance Over 3 million cases of neglect and child abuse are reported each year involving more than 6 million children. Victims of abuse spend a lifetime battling problems like depression, substance abuse, and other emotional issues and mental disorders. Child abuse is likely to go unreported, so it is important for concerned … Continue reading “Child abuse – a hidden epidemic”