We have recently updated our website, making it easier for you to find the information you need. Some of our improvements include:
Health Topics: Our improved Health Topics section makes it easy for you to see everything we have on a certain topic. Now you can find blog posts, handouts, articles, and schedules all in one place. We have also included a more robust section on newborns.
Portals: Whether you are planning for your first visit, caring for a newborn, or looking for resources on special needs, our new portals make it simple to find all the information you need. That way you have more time to spend on the things that matter—like your kids!
Newsletter: We have moved our newsletter over to a blog format. You can now easily pull up past articles by topic or keyword. The format also allows us to keep you better informed about the latest health topics and advisories.
New Design: The new design not only looks great, but has also been updated to work better with today’s technology—something all those smartphone users will appreciate.